Previous Webinars:
Navigating Difficult Conversations With Mary Ellen Daneels
While Earth Force was not involved in this webinar as presenters, our staff has benefitted from attending and thought the rest of our network would as well. Part II will be uploaded soon!

Kind Leadership Series with Riley’s Way
Conducting Inventories, Careers, and What it Means to Be a Kind Leader
Integrating Civic Action Into K-12 Environmental Programs
Dr. Rowe PowerPoint Slides
Classroom Resources:
Beyond Doom and Gloom: Climate Solutions
This resource for educators focuses on creating civic change around clean energy
“Are you or your students worried about the impacts of climate change and not sure what to do to help create significant change? Organized by the Higher Education Associations Sustainability Consortium (HEASC) and the Disciplinary Associations Network for Sustainability (DANS), Beyond Doom and Gloom: Climate Solutions is a new initiative to empower students, educators and the public to advocate for climate solutions. We seek to direct the frustration and worry about climate change into increased knowledge and productive actions.”
Beyond Doom and Gloom: Climate Solutions Student Page
This resource for students focuses on how to participate in our democracy around clean energy policy
Here you will find information on how to write letters to your legislators, resources on various types of energy policies, as well as general information on clean energy. This site is filled with additional resources as well! Check back often as it is updated frequently!
Empowering Students: Engaging in Solution Building for Society
This resource for educators focuses on the high impact teaching approach of civic action
This site includes resources to help students develop the skills needed to become change makers in society as well as provide tools to integrate civic action in the classroom.

Key Components of Sustainability Assignments
This resource for educators includes examples of pedagogies and student learning outcomes on assignments on the topic of sustainability

Disciplinary Perspectives: Teaching Sustainability In…
This resource is for educators is a compilation of resources broken down by subject on integrating sustainability into that topic area
From biology to technology to physics, every educator can always use additional resources about integrating sustainability. Make sure to check out the bar on the left hand side of this page for other related pages on activities, news, and even contribute activites that you have found useful in your own classroom!
This resource is for anyone interested in an array of real project examples from across the world. These are stories of people who are taking action to solve environmental issues we face today.
The Director’s Statement sums up this project beautifully: “The Shore Line profiles the efforts of educators, artists, architects, scientists, city planners, and youth organizations from nine countries who are confronting coastal challenges with persistence and imagination. By featuring stories of resilience from shoreline communities around the world, we hope to inspire diverse ways of responding to our changing environment.” Check out this site if you’re looking for real life project examples to inspire you or your classroom on taking action on environmental issues.

The Center for Green Schools Resources
This resource for educators allows you to filter tools by type, audience, and content and are available for download. They range from kindergarten to higher education and a variety of content areas.
There are over 60 curriculum guides, case studies, videos, and more collated in this site at your disposal all revolving around environmentally friendly schools and classrooms. As an educator, these can be extremely helpful tools to guide you in creating green spaces, lessons, and thinkers.
The US Partnership K-12 and Teacher Education
This resource for educators includes everything from standard alignments, case studies, and assessment tools to help integrate sustainability into the K-12 classroom.
Use this site’s left hand side toolbar to navigate through the pages of helpful information. You can learn about the US Partnership, download standards for your classroom, find organizations and find applicable resources, as well as watch webinars and find assessments for your students.
Community Energy Conversations
These links will help you and your students hold conversations with stakeholders and community members about sustainable changes and challenges that their community currently face. These sites have tools and tips to foster productive discussions.